symphoni sangsakala

jika sebuah tiupan hentikan waktu


Posted by allergy On 23.09 0 komentar

sorry I accidentally saw a surprising thing when you're asleep. but why do you let the request of his relationshit in the virtual world?? but maybe you've tied it in the real (it just my bad thoughts). when you can just reject or accept it sincerely. trust me, i'll be right because i felt strong with my gods. but I feel guilty when you save a pile of garbage in your stomach.because it can punish yourselves, that may have you felt since yesterday and I can feel it. you just say you' aren't interested to picking a flower in the garden. but I saw nothing like that. follow your heart, don't let yourselves unbridled. I still smiling to see you happy, altough with him. because I just want to see you happy, not getting into this puzzle!!
im so sorry, i dont know much about you but i know i love you so, my fair laddy!!!


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